Time to catch up with my Pals

November 25, 2009

Hello everyone , its been a long time since I wrote in my Diary, and so much has happened, too much for me to write down it would make my paws sore. Well I have made so many new friends over the summer and had such fun playing with them.

Must tell you about my new Bro, he is not a Labrador but he is pretty cool, but all he wants to do is play ball,  he is good in the woods he runs fast after things so while Mum is looking for him I can eat lovely rotting things and roll in smellies with Fern one of my sisters.

We have some chums come for the day sometimes now ,one is called Cookie she is only a baby. Mum says she is a springador, what ever that is,she plays with Kasper another friend. I have still been keeping up my skills at food stealing,I think I have had the dinner off the table at least four times this summer,I like it when we have Barbecues ( I think it means lots of food on tables out side ).there is usally lots of people so it is just right for a few sneaky treats and when Dad burns things I get those too.

We have Lucy staying with us at the moment, she is very tiny but she takes over the armchair and nips my nose if I try to get on. She is not as bad as Hattie and Millie they take over the fireside , and Digby and Robbie boss everyone around, these little people are very annoying at times, but I like them really .

My pal Brinks is coming this weekend, he’s good for a game ,oh and Ellie is here too she digs up the garden to catch Moles so there will be lots of mud about. We have a big apple tree at the bottom of the garden, and I love apples. Dad has tried to block of where they come down but I just go underneath the fence boy does it make Mum and Dad mad, still its worth it.

Well better close now and have another go at getting an apple, see you soon.


A New Playday

July 24, 2009

Hello everyone,
Well its been another good day of Fun and Frolic’s. We went to the woods again with all the chums and chased the Rabbits. My Bro Thumper took off down to the water for a swim so we all followed, but Mum wasn’t very pleased so Auntie Elaine came to find us but she had to slide down a steep bank to find us, well it was really funny cause she only has two legs and had to go on her bottom.
I lost my lead and we all came back very wet and smelt lovely. Oh dear Mum didn’t look happy, so I told everyone to be very good on the way home. It wasn’t my fault that sandwich was on the table a Dog can’t waste things. Well I’m off to me Auntie Elsie’s tomorrow to see my friends Barney and Holly, I will write again next week.

Today we went to the woods with a lot of chums, Ollie the Collie, Coco, Georgie Barney the puppy ( he’s a bit of a pain at the moment ) and my new Brother Thumper. well it was better than I thought because one of my favourite things is rolling in things to make myself smell extra special, and because it was raining everything was much easier to spread all over my fur. I will never understand Humans, Mum didn’t seem to appreciate the wonderful perfume that I was giving off, and Auntie Elaine said I was disgusting. Never mind, there were lots of Rabbits to chase, ( I didn’t catch any) and sticks to tug with Georgie. Thumper found a place to paddle coming back very wet and shaking all over the Humans ha ha,I ran off before I got blamed which I normally do ( can’t understand why ) Barney the Puppy is learning to walk on the lead but it was funny to see Auntie Elaine rushing through the trees very fast with Barney in the Lead Mum nearly fell over because she was laughing so much.( I managed to sneak a biscuit from her bag while this was going on, ) I am so quick.
Well its time for a nap, and to think about tomorrows escapades. I am going to visit my friends Barney and Holly at the weekend as Mum and Dad are going to some show to raise money for lots more Labradors. I can’t go because last time I raided another tent and helped myself to the food that were saving for lunch. ( well I am a Labrador )
I willtell you all about my holiday at Auntie Elsie’s next time.
Bye for now Owen

My Holiday

July 3, 2009

Well hello everyone,
Sorry that I have not written for a while, but I have been on my Hols. We went to Suffolk and stayed in a cottage in the middle of a forest, it was great. My pals Bo, Bracken, and new friend Zac came too so there was lots of playing, chasing Rabbits and rolling in great smelling stuff. We were not far from the beach so every day we went for a swim and our Uncle Dick came in with us one day. (nearly lost his pants). There was lots of ball catching
and jumping over the waves. Mum says I have slimmed down and have a nice waistline now ( I think she’s jealous as she is trying to slim ). Since coming back there has been lots of new chums to play with,Flyn is a big setter, he thinks he is better looking than me and Lilly an old friend, oh Fleur is back to stay we haven’t seen her in a long time (boy she has grown very cute), Bracken is visiting, so is Ruby she plays a lot but because she is still a baby she has to rest some of the time. My Dad took lots of pictures of our Hols so when I can I’ll get Auntie Nic to put them on so you can all see us. Well everyone its been great catching up but there are things to do like digging up the moles in the garden I am sure Dad enjoys my help don’t know why he shouts. Ta Ta

Hello Again

June 10, 2009

Hi everyone,
its been a long time since i have written on my blog, but we have had a very sad time recently and I didn’t feel like writing. We had to say goodbye to our Sister Molly a little while ago and this made everyone a little low.
Anyway I have been helping entertain our visitors and they have been very varied, at the moment we have Lucy and Tammy two little Westies and our good mate Biggles.
Ollie the Collie is here each day to play and help with any adventures I might suggest. I must tell you about Ollie the Collie he was on a sleep over and my Dad was carving some meat for his dinner,Ollie quick as you like grabbed it and was off down the garden and being a good chap he did share it with me. Mum was mad they had something called beans for tea. I felt very proud because he had obviously learnt from me, there has been many times that a tasty morsel has come my way ( even if it wasn’t meant to.) Our daily walks are good right now our favourite sport is Rabbit chasing in the woods, we don’t normally catch any but there has been the odd tasty snack about and then there is always rolling in smelly stuff ( fern is very good at that).
Well I think it must be nearly time to suggest Mum gives us all a treat before my afternoon nap,why these humans don’t think of these things themselves I don’t know.

Things have been a bit quiet here after all the excitement of the marathon and I’ve not been quite myself for the last few days so I’ve been lying low.  The thing is Aunty Lesley has started her training again and I’m really worried she is going to rope me in so I figure if I just lay around the house being quiet and making sad eyes at my Mum then they won’t make me go with her.  I get lots of special fuss from Dad when I’m quiet as well so I’m a winner all round.

I perked up this morning though (completely forgot all about my cunning plan!) as we went on a new walk – woof!  This was great fun and my Aunty Jackie came too with Maggie May and Isla and so did Aunty Jan (who is Ollie the Collie’s Mum) so for a change there were almost as many humans as dogs – although there were still 10 of us and only 4 of them.  We walked through some woodland and then came to a huge open field where we all got to run to our heart’s content and there was even a big pond for us to swim in. But the very best bit was that I found some really fresh fox poo (it was still warm!) to roll in and got myself all nicely covered before Mum even realised.  It was back to the pond for me after that but I managed to keep my head above water so I still have that lovely aroma close to my nose 🙂  My sister Fern rolled in it too and Mum wasn’t best pleased as she was wearing a brand new collar.

All in all a good start to the day I just have to be careful to not get carried away for the rest of the day and stick to my plan to avoid running with Aunty Lesley at the weekend! Woof!

Run, Aunty Lesley, Run!

April 7, 2009

Well after much fanfare and drama (my Aunty Lesley never does anything quietly!) she has finally run the Paris marathon and finished in just under 5 hours – whoop whoop!  I am secretly very proud of her and have even almost forgiven her for making me run 6 miles with her to help her training.  I was just starting to relax and think I was safe again when she only goes and announces that she is running ANOTHER ONE in Berlin!! And this time she is raising money for the Labrador Rescue Trust so I suppose I will be roped in as the (natural) figurehead for the whole thing until September.  Perhaps I can resurect that sore paw for a few weeks and leave my cousin Widdles to do all the running.

Anyway back to the Paris marathon (by the way she has raised £600 for Canine Partners so woof woof woof to that!) we all went for our walk really early on Monday morning so we could be back in time for the humans to put up balloons and flags (weird) for her arrival home from Paris and prepare the celebratory breakfast (now we’re talking!) and there was even cake!! Hoorah!  I waited until the third glass of champagne had been poured then I went for the kill and managed to get Aunty Nic’s cake.  Sorry and all that but a dog has to do what a dog has to do!

Anyway I digress (admittedly to more important things like cake but I haven’t told you the whole story yet) we all had to get cleaned up (yuck) and were told to lie quiely and wait (boring) but as you can see from the picture we did what we were told because we love our Aunty Lesley.  Chazzie P, Bean Beanie, Panties, J-Lo and Widdles were all very exited as they had missed their mummy SOOOOOO much while she was away but they were very good and lay down with the rest of us to wait.  

So….we love you Aunty Lesley and we are very proud of you!! But please can you not make me run with you to train for the next one????????

Waiting for Aunty Lesley

Waiting for Aunty Lesley

The Wounded Soldier

March 31, 2009

Not a great day today as I injured my paw whilst playing with my chums this morning. Normally I don’t mind a small injury as its always good for milking the sympathy and getting some extra biscuits but this one actually really hurt! My Mum put me on the lead and walked me for a bit but then she rang my Dad to come and get me so Mum and Aunty Nic could carry on walking the others. I hobbled around until I saw my Dad and then it was like one of those girly movies my aunties watch when I saw Dad as I tried to run towards him to leap on him and show him my paw but I couldn’t put it on the ground. So I limped along until I got to him and then gave him a big hug. I was so excited to see him that I even leaped into the car forgetting about my injury for just a moment. Wowf. But I’ve had a good day since as no one has got cross with me about anything and its feeling much better now.

We’ve had three chocolate labs here for the last few days and it’s a bit like seeing triple! Rosie – who Mum and Dad found a new home for recently with Lab Rescue – came for a few days and she is a proper little bruiser! Then there is Coco who has been coming for the day like Ollie the Collie does and Charlie – who looks exactly like my chum Monty. And we have the prettiest fluffy girl since Daisy Boo (because obviously Lab girls are the prettiest but they’re not fluffy!) staying until Saturday. She is a Labradoodle (which I think means a Labrador that likes to draw silly pictures) and she is called Megan. All of the humans have gone a bit potty over her and we are all a little jealous of the fuss she is getting but because she is so nice, and us boys are all trying to impress her as well, we are letting her get away with it for now.

A quiet night in

March 27, 2009

After such an exhausting day I’m having a lovely quiet evening with my sister Molly at the home of my good chums Mr Sonny and Daisy Boo.  They are exhausted from this morning’s antics as well so we’re all just kicking back and chilling out.  Don’t tell anyone but I am dictating this to Aunty Nic (she types much faster than me) whilst lying on her lovely pink shag pile rug cuddling Sheila the Crocodile…it’s a dog’s life!

What a mud bath!

March 27, 2009

Me looking nearly the same colour as my sisters!

Me looking nearly the same colour as my sisters!

Well we just had the bestest time this morning.  Thankfully I didn’t have to go running with Aunty Lesley today as she was running 23 miles!  My cousins Brooke and Beanie came with us as did my usual partners in crime Mr Sonny and Daisy Boo.  They showed us a new place to run and it was brilliant!  The first thing we came to was a big pond and there was loads of mud round the edges so I made sure I ran round the whole thing getting as muddy as I possibly could.  Daisy Boo was right out in the middle swimming after the ducks and the others were just running in and out making lots of splashes.    But the absolute best bit was when I found a rabbit that was still really fresh – trouble is Beanie and Fern found it at the same time so we all had a game of tug to see who would win the rabbit.  Fern got the front half and Beanie and I battled on for the back half and I eventually won!  But then Uncle Chris decided he wanted it as well (which isn’t fair as he doesn’t need to eat half a rabbit!) so he started chasing me around trying to take it off me for himself.  Running with Aunty  Lesley has paid off already though as I outran him everytime.  After the first few goes I thought I’d have a bit of fun with him and let him get really close to me and then I legged it.  He must have been really hungry because he didn’t let up and he eventually got it off me.  But then he just put it in a bag and threw it away!!!  I’m still really cross with him for wasting a perfectly good rabbit and don’t understand why he didn’t eat it after fighting so hard to get it.

Anway us dogs don’t dwell over things for too long so back I went to running around with my chums until we eventually got back to the pond where Mum tried to get me to swim in the middle so I would get clean.  Even after all this time she doesn’t seem to understand that I LIKE being dirty and smelling of fish and pond slime!  I managed to avoid the clean bit of the water and we all got to savour my aroma all the way home in the car until I had to give in to the hose.  It was worth every second though and I can’t wait to go again!